Artistic and professional Curriculum
Articles on National and International Art Magazines
International Exibition of Sculptor Designer
Personal exibition in medioeval castle
Summary of the technical phase
Art School Curriculum
Photographic works
Dimensions and weight of the Sculptures
0,00 €
International Exibition of Sculptor Designer
Central seat of Prefecture in Rimini
Permanent placement at Italian Ambassy in Lima, Perù.
Meeting with David Sassoli President of the European Parliament in Bruxelles.
Work in progress at seat of the European Parliament in Bruxelles.
Permanent Placement at VIP lounge International Airport of Minsk, Bielorussia.
Permanent placement at Airport of Minsk in Belarus.
Headquarter of the Chief Executive Officer of the Shopping Center “Sheremetyevskiy” in Moscow near Red Square.
Showroom of Decor and Design “Conte Elise” in Moscow.
Master Class for the students of the Academy of Fine Arts in Minsk.
Permanent placement at Italian Ambassy in Belarus.
Permanent placement at International Airport “Pulkovo” in Saint Petersburg.
User comments
Permanent placement at International Airport “Federico Fellini” in Rimini
Meeting with the Minister of Italian Culture.
Permanent placement seat of the Chamber of Deputes at “Palazzo Montecitorio” in Rome.
Permanent Placement at International Airport “Guglielmo Marconi” in Bologna.
Permanent placement at Headquarter of “Muramatsu” in Tokyo.
Permanent placement at Seat of “RAI” Italian National Broadcasting Company in Bologna
Permanent placement seat of “RAI” Italian National Broadcasting Company in Bologna.
Permanent placement at Museum-House of Birth to Michelangelo Buonarroti in Caprese Michelangelo (AR))
Temporary placement at Rotary Club in Bologna.
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